4.3.7 Forecast Set Details

BSP Forecast Analysis Page is the gateway to all BSP OOB Reports and related functionality of the Project. From this Page, you can navigate to other related Pages. The following content is related to the “Forecast Set Details” Report Canvas.

On the header of the BSP Forecast Analysis Page, you can perform a filter operation to streamline data as per your operational focus.

Figure 4-9 BSP Forecast Analysis – Forecast Set Details

On the header of the BSP Forecast Analysis page, you can perform filter option to streamline data as per your operational focus.

In addition to Mandatory Report Drivers and Optional Report Drivers in the Forecast Set Details Report, we can select granular “Financial Element ID” and “Financial Element Name” as shown on the following screenshot.

Figure 4-10 BSP Forecast Analysis – Financial Element ID and Name

The Forecast Set Details report has the capability to select granular “Financial Element ID” and “Financial Element Name”.

The Forecast Set Details Report supports the need for the end-user to download granular Financial Elements, before usage of both Mandatory Report Drivers and Optional Report Drivers, to work with the desired set outside of the BI Application UI.

The following screenshot describes the procedure to download the Forecast Set Details to a CSV file.

  1. Click the Export button on the top right-hand side.
  2. Select the File option in the prompted pane.
  3. Select Data (CSV) for the format option.
  4. Click Save and retrieve the downloaded file.

Figure 4-11 Forecast Set Details Report

This screenshot describes the procedure to download the Forecast Set Details to a CSV file.