12 Appendix A: Packaging the Python Libraries

To package the Python libraries, ensure that you have the following files:

  • libffi.i686
  • libffi.x86_64
  • libffi-devel.i686
  • libffi-devel.x86_64

Verify these libraries using the yum list as shown in the following command:

yum list installed | grep libffi

  1. Ensure that the version of Python is 3.9.4.
  2. Add $HOME/Python-3.9.4/bin in PATH in the .profile file.
  3. Verify that the following Python library files are available:
    • seaborn-0.10.1
    • numpy-1.19.4
    • pandas-1.2.4
    • scikit-learn-0.24.2
    • scipy-1.6.3
    • statsmodels-0.12.2
    • matplotlib-3.2.2
    • imbalanced-learn-0.7.0
    • cx_oracle-8.1.0
    • sqlalchemy-1.3.18
    • pmdarima-1.8.2
    • arch-4.19