Configure the OFS_BSP_SCHEMA_IN.xml File

This section describes how to create database schemas, objects within schemas, and assign appropriate grants. Specify the database schemas required for the installation in the OFS_BSP_SCHEMA_IN.xml file. Update the required values in this file before executing the Schema Creator Utility.

To configure the OFS_BSP_SCHEMA_IN.xml file, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system as a non-root user.
  2. Navigate to the OFS_BSP_PACK/schema_creator/conf directory.
  3. Edit the OFS_BSP_SCHEMA_IN.xml file using a text editor and configure the values as mentioned in the following table.

    Figure 5-2 Sample OFS_BSP_SCHEMA_IN.xml File

    This illustration shows a sample of the OFS_BSP_SCHEMA_IN.xml file.

    Table 5-3 OFS_BSP_SCHEMA_IN.xml file

    Tag Name / Attribute Name Description Mandatory (Y / N) Default Value / Permissible Value Comments
    <APP_PACK_ID> Seeded unique ID for the OFS Application Pack. Y Seeded

    Do not modify this value.

    <IS_TCPS> Enter if the TCPS configuration is required. Y Seeded, with FALSE as the default value. Modify this to TRUE if you require the installer to uptake the configuration.

    Enter the JDBC URL.

    You can enter the RAC/ NON-RAC enabled database connectivity URL.



    jdbc:oracle:thin:@< DBSERVER IP/ HOST/ IP>:<PORT>:<SID>


    jdbc:oracle:thin:@//[HOS T][:PORT]/ SERVICE



    For example:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@//dbhos t.server.com:1521/service 1


    jdbc:oracle:thin:@//dbsho st.server.com:1521/scan-1





    L=TCP)(HOST=dbhost2.s erver.com)(PORT=1521))( LOAD_ BALANCE=yes)(FAILOV ER=yes))(CONNECT_ DATA=(SERVICE_


    Ensure that you add an entry (with SID/ SERVICE NAME) in the tnsnames.ora file on the OFSAA server. The entry must match the SID/ SERVICE NAME used in the JDBC URL.

    Ensure that you have configured:

    1. The correct Oracle Wallet with the credentials for stored Sys, Config, and Atomic Users.
    2. The JDBC URL as follows:


    For more information on how to configure Oracle Wallets for OFSAA Installation and Data Sources, see the OFS Analytical Applications Infrastructure Administration Guide.

    <JDBC_DRIVER> This driver's name is seeded by default. Y Example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

    Only JDBC Thin Driver is supported.

    Do not modify this value.

    <HOST> Enter the Hostname/ IP Address of the system on which you are installing the OFSAA components. Y Host Name/IP Address
    <SETUPINFO>/PREFIX_SCHEMA_NAME Identifies whether the value specified in <SETUPINFO>/NAME attribute must be prefixed to the schema name. N YES or NO The default value is YES.

    Enter the acronym for the type of implementation. This information is displayed on the OFSAA Home Page.

    On executing the schema creator utility, this value is prefixed with each schema name. For example: dev_ofsaaconf, uat_ofsaatm.


    Accepts strings with a minimum length of two and a maximum of four.

    Example: DEV, SIT, PROD

    This name appears in the OFSAA Landing Page as "Connected To: DEV".

    The schemas being created get this prefix. For example, dev_nameconf, uat_nameconf, and so on.


    Enter the password if you want to set a default password for all schemas.

    You also must set the APPLYSAME-

    FORALL attribute as Y to apply the default password for all the schemas.

    N The maximum length allowed is 30 characters. Special characters are not allowed. On successful execution of the utility, the entered password in the OFS_IBCE_SCHEMA_IN.xml file is nullified.

    If you have entered Y in APPLYSAME-

    FORALL attribute and also have specified individual passwords for all the schemas, then the specified individual passwords will take precedence.


    Default value: N

    Permissible value: Y or N

    Enter Y if you want to apply the password specified in the DEFAULT attribute for all the schemas.

    If you enter as N, you must provide individual passwords for all schemas.

    Setting this attribute value is mandatory if the DEFAULT attribute is set.

    The different types of schemas that are supported in this release are ATOMIC, CONFIG, SANDBOX, and ADDON.

    By default, the schemas types are seeded based on the Application Pack.



    SANDBOX and ADDON schemas do not apply to OFS_BSP_PACK.

    Only One CONFIG schema can exist in the file.

    Do not edit this attribute value.

    This schema identifies as the CONFIGURATION schema that holds the OFSAA setup detains and other Metadata information.

    Multiple ATOMIC/ SANDBOX/ADDON schemas can exist in the file.


    The schemas’ names are seeded based on the Application Pack by default.

    You can edit the schema names if required.

    The Schema Name will have a prefix of the SETUPINFO/ NAME attribute.

    SCHEMA NAME must be the same for all the ATOMIC Schemas of the applications within an Application Pack.

    Y The permissible length is 15 characters and only alphanumeric characters are allowed. No special characters are allowed except underscore _.

    The SETUPOINFO/NAME attribute value is prefixed to the schema name being created.

    For example, if a name is set as 'ofsaatm' and setupinfo as 'uat', then the schema being created is 'uat_ofsaatm'.

    NAME must be the same where APP_GRP=1 for all SCHEMA tags (not applicable for this Application).


    Enter the password of the schema to be created.

    If this attribute is left blank, then the password specified in the <PASSWORD>/DEFAULT attribute is applied as the Schema Password.

    N The maximum length allowed is 30 characters. Special characters are not allowed. It is mandatory to enter the password if you have set the <PASSWORD>/ APPLYSAMEFORALL attribute as N.
    <SCHEMA>/APP_ID The Application ID is seeded based on the Application by default. Y Unique Seeded Value

    Identifies the Application/ Product for which the schema is being created. Do not edit this attribute value.

    Do not modify this value.


    Enter the available default tablespace for DB User.

    If this attribute is left blank, then USERS is set as the default tablespace.


    Default value: USERS

    Permissible value: Any existing valid tablespace name.

    Modify this value to associate any valid tablespace with the schema.

    Enter the available temporary tablespace for DB Users.

    If this attribute is left bank, TEMP is set as the default tablespace.


    Default value: TEMP

    Permissible value: Any existing valid temporary tablespace name.

    Modify this value to associate any valid tablespace with the schema.

    Enter the quota to be set on the DEFAULTTABLESPACE attribute for the schema/ user. By default, the quota size is set to 500M.

    Minimum: 500M or Unlimited on default Tablespace.



    600M or 600m

    20G or 20g

    UNLIMITED or unlimited

    Modify this value to grant the specified quota on the mentioned tablespace to the user.

    Enter the name of the Information Domain to associate this schema.

    The schema creator utility automatically derives an Information Domain Name based on the Application Pack if no value is specified for this attribute.


    The permissible length is 16 characters and only alphanumeric characters are allowed. No special characters are allowed.
    <ADV_SEC_OPTIONS>/ Parent tag to hold Advance Security Options. N NA

    Uncomment the tag and edit if you want to add security options. For example, TDE and Data Redact.

    For details, see the example following the rows.

    <ADV_SEC_OPTIONS>/TDE Tag to enable/disable TDE feature. N

    The default value is FALSE.

    To enable TDE, set this value to TRUE.

    Ensure this tag is not commented if you have uncommented <ADV_SEC_OPTIONS>.
    <ADV_SEC_OPTIONS>/DATA_REDACT Tag to enable/disable the Data Redaction feature. N

    The default value is FALSE.

    To enable DATA_REDACT, set this value to TRUE.

    Ensure this tag is not commented if you have uncommented<ADV_SEC_OPTIONS>.

    Parent tag to hold

    <TABLESPACE> elements

    N NA

    Uncomment the tag and edit only if tablespaces are to be created as part of the installation.

    For details, see the example that follows the table.


    then it is mandatory for the

    <TABLESPACES> tag to be present in the XML file.

    <TABLESPACE>/NAME Logical Name of the tablespace to be created. Y



    Name, if specified, must be referred in the <SCHEMA DEFAULTTABLESPACE= "##NAME##"> attribute.

    Note the ## syntax.

    <TABLESPACE>/VALUE Physical Name of the tablespace to be created. Y NA Value, if specified, is the actual name of the TABLESPACE.
    <TABLESPACE>/DATAFILE Specifies the location of the data file on the server. Y NA Enter the absolute path of the file to be created.
    <TABLESPACE>/AUTOEXTEND Specifies if the tablespace must be extensible or have a hard limit. Y ON or OFF Set to ON to ensure that the tablespace does not run out of space when full.
    <TABLESPACE>/ENCRYPT Specifies if the tablespace(s) must be encrypted using TDE. Y ON or OFF

    Set to ON to ensure that the tablespaces when created are encrypted using TDE.

    NOTE: Encryption of tablespaces requires enabling Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) on the Database Server.

  4. Save and close the file.