6.6 Configure the Web Server

This step assumes the installation of a web server exists as per the prerequisites.

Refer to the product-specific installation guide to install and configure the web server. If an installation already exists, skip, and proceed to the next step.


  • See the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Security Guide for configurations to secure your web server.
  • You must enable a sticky session/affinity session configuration on the web server. See the respective product-specific Configuration Guide for more details. Additionally, you also must enable the sticky session/ affinity session configuration at the Load Balancer level if you have configured a Load Balancer in front of the web server.

This step assumes the installation of a web application server exists as per the prerequisites. To configure the Web application server for OFSAA Deployment refer to the following sections.



  • Make a note of the IP Address/ Hostname and Port of the webapplication server. This information is required during the installation process (required if the web server is not configured).
  • Add umask 0027 in the .profile of the UNIX account which manages the WEB server to ensure restricted access permissions.
  • See the OFSAA Secure Configuration Guide/ Security Guide mentioned in the Related Documents section for additional information on securely configuring your web server.