Configure WebSphere Application Server to Use a Load Balancer or Proxy Server

The configuration prevents the process server from redirecting to an internal port when using a load balancer or proxy server.

The following steps describe the configuration:
  1. Enter the WebSphere URL in the format http://HOST_NAME:PORT_NUMBER/ibm/console (use https if SSL is enabled.). For example,
  2. Log in with your administrator user ID and password.
  3. From the LHS menu, click Servers to expand and view the menu.
  4. Click Server Types to expand the menu further and then click WebSphere Enterprise Application Servers to view the Application servers window.
  5. On the Application servers window, click the required Application Server link. For example, server1.
  6. Click Web Container Settings and then Custom Properties to view the Custom Properties window.

    Figure 6-8 Application Servers Load Balancer Proxy Server

    On the Application servers window, click the required Application Server link. For example, server1 as shown in this illustration. Click Web Container Settings and then Custom Properties to view the Custom Properties window

  7. Click New and enter the following properties:
    • com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.extractHostHeaderPort: true
    • Trusthostheaderport: true
  8. Click OK and then click Save on the Console to save the customized configurations.
  9. Restart the WebSphere Application Server to apply the changes.