2.1 Cash Flow Process

You can view the information about high-level processing steps from User Interface. To view Cash Flow Process information, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Operations and Processes, select Scheduler, and then select Monitor Batch.
  2. Select Batch and Run Id.
  3. Click Start Monitor.
  4. Click View Log of the concerned task.
  5. Navigate to Operations and Processes and select Cash Flow Process.
  6. Search the Process and click Action of searched Process.
  7. Select Execution Details.
  8. Click on relevant Execution Run Id. Account level error message is available in table FSI_O_CFE_MESSAGES_HIST of data schema.
  9. Query for a Process Id, Execution Run Id and Account Number.

LOG4J logs to debug the execution flow can be seen in Kubernetes session log for each POD. The LOG4J level can be controlled by setting the debugging level in Application Preferences. Default logging level is set to "Info".