10 Glossary

This section describes a glossary of terms used across the OFSCA application.


A bank account where funds can be deposited or withdrawn.


A virtual money launderer powered by artificial intelligence can perceive the account balances and transaction monitoring rules in a simulated environment and move funds from a source account to a destination account within a simulated environment.


A transaction channel can be used to transfer funds in and out of an account, e.g., Wire. Controls Set A specific configuration of the transaction monitoring system, i.e., controls and limits.


An episode is an instantiation of the policy learned by the agent to move funds from the source to the target account. It is a sequence of actions the agent takes to accomplish its goal.


The training of an Agent in a simulated environment. The financial transactions made by a trained agent are subsequently used to measure the performance of a transaction monitoring system and surface insights.


The agent can transfer funds only in whole number multiples of granularity. The granularity is calculated as 1/20 x Target Amount. If the Target Amount is $100,000, the agent can transact only in whole number multiples of $5,000 (1/20 x $100,000).

Jurisdiction Code

The Jurisdiction associated with a customer is specified in Oracle's FCDM data model.


Any limit or restriction on the amount of funds or the number of transactions that can be made from an account or using a channel.


The financial products (Accounts and Channels) offered by an institution to its customers.


A rule used to monitor the behavior of interest. Each scenario pertains to one focus type and underlying pattern and thresholds.


The Customer segment is associated with a customer. Each customer should belong to just one segment. The controls (thresholds and limits) a customer is subject to depend on the segment the customer belongs to.

Source Account

The account which is the source of funds. This is typically considered to be external to the institution.

Target Account

The account which is the intended destination of funds. The agent seeks to move the funds from the source account to this target or destination account.


A numeric value specifies a range of activities deemed to be of interest. Each scenario typically has multiple thresholds.

Transaction Monitoring System (TMS)

Transaction Monitoring System is the collection of controls (including scenarios and other limits) that have been put in place to deter and detect suspicious activity and to comply with AML regulations.