5.4.1 Risk of New Offering-Account Type

Use this section to verify the impact of adding a new offering as an account type by comparing the experiments.

To compare the two experiments to assess the risk of the new offering as an account type, follow these steps:
  1. Click Open Ask Oracle logoto display the Ask Oracle window.
  2. Click the Experiments menu. The Experiments window is displayed.

    Figure 5-28 Compare Experiments

  3. Click Compare Experiment. The following window is displayed.
  4.  Select the experiment which has a newly added offering as an account type that you want to compare with another experiment from the Experiment 1 drop-down list.
  5. Select another experiment that has a newly added offering as the account type with different set of constraints that you want to compare with Experiment 1 from the Experiment 2 drop-down list.


    You can compare the experiments in the same segments only.
  6. Click Compare to compare the selected experiments. The compared result is displayed.
    Results from the two selected experiments and the currently accepted experiment for the segment are displayed as shown in the below figure. Any differences between the agents used, and the thresholds evaluated are also displayed.
    You can compare the results between the experiments to determine the incremental risk resulting from using different sets of controls to monitor the new account type. If the system strength has dropped relative to the accepted experiment, this indicates  that the new account type is not monitored as  effectively as existing accounts. This  is acceptable  if an institution knows the account  is being offered to low risk customers.
    If the system strength has not changed or increased relative to the accepted experiment, this indicates that the new account type is being more effectively monitored than existing account types. For accounts that are  being offered to higher risk customers, institutions should look to devise controls that result in an increase in system strength.
  7. Click Accept Results to accept the experiment for the particular segment.


    You can add up to 5 account types in an Experiment but only Experiments with up to 4 account types can be accepted