8.3 Segment Performance

The Segment Performance in metric captures the efficacy of the System in detecting various Typologies, for example, Human Trafficking. A high value of the performance metric indicates that the scenarios deployed to combat Typologies (Human Trafficking) offer significant resistance to the agent by alerting it as it attempts to move money through your institution. OFSCA calculates the segment performance for Red Flag Coverage by the following:

  • Simulating patterns depicting Human Trafficking cases.
  • Estimating the percentage of episodes where the HT Agent scenarios alerted.
If the scenarios did not alert in the majority of the simulated episodes, it means that the System is unable to resist the agent and has low efficacy. A value close to 100 means the System offers high Coverage in detecting the Human Trafficking pattern.

A value close to 0 means the System has very low efficacy. Tuning the existing HT Agent scenarios or deploying more can improve the performance of the TMS for the segment in question.