Batch Group Execution Status API

Use the Execution Status API to view the current run status of a batch group execution.

Use the Execution Status API to view the current run status of a batch group execution.


  • batchRunId - Execution Id generated while triggering the object and can be obtained in the response of Execution API.
Request Body
"batchRunId": "<Batchrun_ID>"

Sample Response Body

The following Response body is a sample for Success : 200 OK. For more information about status code in the response body, refer to Rest API Status Codes.

    "severity": "info",
    "batchRunId": "AbTestBG001_2023-01-27_1674798339245_1",
    "batchStatusCode": "0",
    "batchList": [
            "batchRunId": "AbTestBatch002_2023-01-27_1674798339462_1",
            "batchStatusCode": "0",
            "batchStatus": "SUCCESSFUL"
            "batchRunId": "AbTestBatch003_2023-01-27_1674798339556_1",
            "batchStatusCode": "0",
            "batchStatus": "SUCCESSFUL"
    "batchStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": "0"