Creating Attribute Filters for Reports

Filters allow you to include a specific set of data in the report using defined expressions.

You can define a filter expression for specific column(s) during report generation.
To create a filter condition:
  1. Click Filter in the Report Details page.
    The Filter Condition to include the required filters is displayed.
  2. On the Filter Condition page, enter the following details:
    • Select Column - Select a column from the drop-down list for which you want to set a filter condition.

      To search for a specific column name, type a few letters from the column name in the Select Column text box and press Enter.

    • Conditions – Select one of the following comparison operators to filter the data for the selected column.
      • Comparison - '=', '!=', '< >', '>', '<', >=, <=,'IN', 'NOT IN', 'ANY', 'BETWEEN', 'LIKE', 'IS NULL', and 'IS NOT NULL'.
    • Value - Enter the condition value to filter the data and generate the report.

      For Date column, select the date using the calendar.

    • Type - Select one of the following filter types:
      • Static - Select Static to enter a value and execute the filter using only one value. You cannot change the value at a later point.
      • Dynamic - Select Dynamic to change the filter value when needed.
        After setting the filter type to Dynamic, select the Placeholder and set one of the default seeded values to process the filter.


        Only values that are already seeded in the database table are displayed in the Placeholder drop-down list.
  3. After entering the required filter condition, click Add to add the filter condition.
    The filter condition is added to the Expressions Built pane.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to enter multiple filter conditions for various columns.
  5. Click Validate to verify if the selected filter condition is valid.
  6. After entering the required filter conditions, click Apply to add the filter condition to the report.
    The filter conditions are included in the Attributes tab.
    At any point after validating/applying the filters, you can modify or delete the filter conditions using one of the following tasks:
    • Click Update Filter Changes to update a filter expression.
    • Click Reset to clear all the validated filters and add new filter conditions.
    • Click Delete to delete a filter condition.