Roles Summary Page

The Roles Summary page shows the list of available user roles. You can view the details of a role and map the role to one or more user functions.

To access the Roles Summary page:
  1. Click the Identity Management tab in the Admin Console page.
  2. Click the Roles tile, to view the Roles Summary page.
  3. Select a specific role name in the Roles Summary page and then click Details to view the associated Role Code, Role Name, and Role Details.
  4. Select a role name and click Mapped Functions to view the list of functions that are mapped to the particular role.
    You can also unmap a role from a specific function. To map/unmap functions, refer to mapped/unmapped functions.
    To search for a specific role, type the first few letters of the role name that you want to search in the Search box and click Search.
    At the bottom of the page, adjust the number of entries displayed per page using the up and down arrows in the Records box. To navigate between pages in the View bar, use these buttons:
    • First page to go to the first page.
    • Previous page to go back.
    • Next page to move to the next page.
    • Last page to go to the last page.
    You can directly navigate to a specific page by entering its number in the View bar and pressing Enter.