Monitor Batch/Batch Group

Using Monitor Batch/Batch Group, you can view the status of executed batches/batch groups, along with the tasks details.

Monitoring enables users to track and identify issues at regular intervals, ensuring smoother batch execution. Both a visual representation and a tabular view of the status of each task in the batch are available.
To monitor a batch/batch group:
  1. Click Monitor Batch from the Header panel.
  2. Select the Batch/Batch Group and the Batch/Batch Group Name to monitor the execution.
  3. Set Refresh Frequency Time Interval and duration in seconds.
    By default, the refresh interval is set to 5 seconds and duration is set to 5 minutes. This indicates that the monitor progress will be refreshed every 5 seconds for the next 5 minutes.
    The refresh interval ranges between 5 to 60 seconds and the duration ranges between 5 to 180 seconds.
  4. Select the MISDATE to view the list of Batch Run IDs executed on a specific date.
  5. Select the Batch Run ID you want to monitor.
  6. Click Start Monitor to view the results in Visualization and List View tabs.
    The Visualization tab displays execution status graphically, while the List View tab provides the details in a tabular form, including:
    • Status: Task execution status - Not-Started, On-going, Aborted, Successful, Failed, Interrupted, Excluded and Undefined.


      When the task execution status is Aborted, the batch execution will still be On-going. The task status will be set to Ongoing, when it is triggered again.
    • Start Time: Task execution start time.
    • End Time: Task execution end time.
    • Task Details: Mouse-over the task to display its status and details.
  7. At any point, select Stop Monitor, to stop monitoring.
    You can download the task execution summary in PDF or Excel, with or without the task logs, from the Monitor Task page.
  8. (Optional). To rerun, restart, or interrupt execution, click Actions and select the required option.
    You can also reset the search criteria using Actions.
  9. (Optional). Click View Execution Parameters adjacent to a batch/batch group, to access the list of tasks and task parameters such as Runskey ID, Misdate, associated with that batch/batch group.