1.1.1 Individual Search Type

When you select Individual as the search type, the Jurisdiction, Business Domain, First Name, and Last Name field specific to the individual candidate appear by default. You can perform the Real-Time Screening with and without creating a case by selecting the Search with case creation toggle button.


  • You must provide values in all mandatory search fields to get search results. The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (Asterisk).
  • For Search without case creation, First Name and Last Name are mandatory fields.
  • For Search with case creation, the Jurisdiction, Business Domain, First Name, and Last Name are mandatory fields.
  • Dedicated match rules are available based on the search fields.

To perform the Advanced Search, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Click Advanced Search (Advanced Search). The Advanced Search Parameter left pane is displayed.
  2. Enter the values in the search fields and click Apply Filter. For more information on advanced search fields, see Table 1. Click Clear to reset the entries.

    When the mandatory and advanced search parameters are applied, the parameter entries appear in the Additional Search parameters field in the Real-Time Screening window. For the First Name and Last Name fields, the entries are combined and added to the Full Name in the Additional Search Parameter field.

    If you want to remove any parameter, click the close button against the parameter in the Additional Search parameters field.


    The First Name and Last Name entries are deleted when you delete the Full Name parameter from the Additional Search Parameters field. You must add the full name via Advanced Search to add the Full Name parameter.

  3. Click Search to view the search results.
  4. Click Reset to clear the search fields.

    Table 1-1 Search Fields for Individual Records

    Record Name Description
    Source Request ID

    Enter the unique ID for the individual.

    Note: The Source Request ID is used suppress the Batch alert for a customer who has a Real-time Screening alert.

    Applicant ID Enter the individual's applicant ID number. You can provide alphanumeric characters.
    Jurisdiction Asterisk Select the individual's jurisdiction.
    Business Domain Asterisk Select the individual's business domain.
    First Name Asterisk Enter the individual's first name.
    Middle Name Enter the individual's middle name.
    Last Name Asterisk Enter the individual's last name.
    Title Enter the honorific used to address the individual.
    Full Name Enter the individual's full name.
    Alias Enter the alias used by the individual.
    Date Of Birth

    Enter or select the individual's date of birth.

    To enter the date, click inside the field. The date must be in the format MM/DD/YY. To select the date, click Calender (Calender) and select the date from the date picker.

    SSN/TIN Enter the individual's Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN).
    Gender Select the drop-down list and then select the individual's gender.
    Primary Citizenship Select the drop-down list and then select the country where the individual has primary citizenship. Primary citizenship is typically related to the individual's country of birth.
    Secondary Citizenship Select the drop-down list and then select the country where the individual is a naturalized citizen or has legal citizenship, if applicable.
    Country Of Birth Select the drop-down list and select the country where the individual was born.
    Country Of Residence Select the drop-down list and then select the country where the individual resides.
    Existing Internal ID Select the individual's internal ID. This is a unique identification number used by the individual.
    Address pane Select Expand (Expand) to expand the Address pane and view the fields.
    Street Line 1 Enter the individual's residential address.
    City Enter the city in which the individual resides.
    State Enter the state in which the individual resides.
    Country Select the drop-down list and then select the country where the individual resides.
    Postal Code Enter the postal code of the city where the individual resides.
    Identification Document pane Select Expand (Expand) to expand the Identification Document pane to view the fields.
    Document Type Enter the document provided to verify the individual's identity.
    Document Number Enter the document number of the document type provided by the individual.
    Issuing Country Select the drop-down list and select the country where the document used to verify the individual's identity is issued.
    Year of Birth

    Enter the year of birth in the format YYYY.

    When the Date of Birth is provided, the Year of Birth is automatically populated. In that case, the Year of Birth field is not editable. When the Year of Birth is provided without providing the date of birth, then the Year of Birth field is editable.