1.2.2 Search Result for Entity Search Type

After you click Search, if the name matches one or more watchlist records then an event is generated. The following information are displayed in the search result:
  • Matching Summary Table
  • Match Results Table
The following results are displayed in the Matching Summary table when data for an Individual is scanned:
  • Type: The Watchlist types
  • Highest Matched Score: The highest matching score of each watchlist type
  • Total Number of Matches: Total number of matches available for each watchlist type
The following results are displayed in the Match Results table when data for an individual is scanned:
  • Watchlist Type
  • Watchlist Skey
  • Event Score
  • Match Description
  • Matched Column
  • Matched Value
  • Match Score

Click on the export icon to export the Matching Summary and Match Results in PDF format. For Additional Watchlist details, click on the Watchlist Skey ID. A pop up with additional details for the watchlist is displayed. Click Export icon on the Watchlist Details page to export the watchlist details in PDF format.

Match results are paginated if multiple watchlist types are available. Click Case Internal ID to navigate to the Case Investigation page, where you can find the Case Information details. For more information about the Case Investigation, see Using Oracle FCCM Investigation Hub Cloud Service.

You can apply filter to the Match Results. To filter the match results, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Click Add Filters. Add filter pop-up is displayed.
  2. Enter the values for the match result parameters.
  3. Click Apply Filter to filter the match result.
  4. Click Reset to reset the filters.
    For the default Match Result view click Clear Filers.


    If you apply multiple filter parameter values, the results are displayed to satisfy all the selected parameters.