1.2 Quick Tour of Customer Screening

Overview of the tasks and the order to execute the tasks using the CS Application.

Click the links to read details of each task.

Table 1-1 Quick Tour of Customer Screening

Order Tasks Who Does This? Details and Documentation Reference
1 Subscribe to the Application Tenant Admin Subscribe to the application. For more information on the subscription process, see Getting Started with Oracle Financial Services Crime and Compliance Management Cloud Service.
2 Provision Users System Admin Configure Security Management System (SMS) to create users, roles, and implement user authorization and authentication. For more information on provisioning users, see Setup your Cloud Account.
3 Manage User Groups, Roles, and Functions System Admin Create user groups, create roles, map users to user groups, map user groups to roles, and map roles to functions. For more information on the steps involved, see Identity Management.
4 Load Customer Specific Data Data Admin Load customer-specific data such as sample staging data, business domain, and jurisdiction data to the application for further processing. For more information, see Data Loading.
5 Configure Master Data CS Admin Define the master data values. For more information, see Master Data.
6 Perform Application Security Mapping System Admin Create security attributes that allow or restrict access to users. For more information, see Oracle Financial Services Crime and Compliance Management Cloud Service Application Security.
7 Manage Pipelines CS Admin

Import the ready-to-use pipelines to the CS application, create a copy of the imported pipelines and save it as a new pipeline. For more information, see Importing Pipelines and Copying Pipelines.

Create new pipelines and configure the same as per your requirements. To create pipelines, see Creating Pipelines.

8 Create Jobs CS Admin Create jobs to define a collection of instructions for executing pipelines against threshold sets. For more information on how to create jobs, see Using Jobs.
9 Map Pipeline to Jurisdiction CS Admin Map a ready-to-use pipeline or add a new pipeline and map it to one or more jurisdictions. For more information, see Map Pipeline to a Jurisdiction.
10 Configure Batches CS Admin Define batches specific to CS in the Scheduler Service window. For more information, see Managing Batches section of Pipeline Designer and Scheduler Service.
11 Onboard Prospects CS Admin Execute the Real-time API. For more information see Rest API for Customer Screening Cloud Service.
12 Load Customer and Watch list Data using Batches CS Admin Run the FullLoadCustomer and FullLoadCustomerdelta batch in the Schedule window to load data. For more information, see Master Data.
13 Configure and run the batches for watchlist screening CS Admin Configure and run the batches specific to watchlist screening in the Schedule window to load watchlist data. For more information, see Managing Batches section of Pipeline Designer and Scheduler Service.
14 Screen Customer and Watch list Records – Individual and Entity CS Admin Screen records against watchlist data. For editing the watchlist data, see Watchlist Management. Alerts are generated based on the matching rules and associated thresholds For more information, see Matching Guide.
15 Generate Alert CS Admin Select the attribute which generates a re- alert based on the change in the attribute value. For more information, see Alert Decision widget.
16 Investigate Cases Analysts and Investigators Investigate and monitor cases. For more information, see Investigating Cases.