1.6 Prohibited Country Watchlist

Instructions for adding Country Watchlist records.

There are two ways to add Country Watchlist records.
  1. Add a record using the Prohibited Country Watchlist window. . To add Country Watchlist records follow the subsequent steps:
    1. From the Navigation List, click Watchlist Management.
    2. From the Navigation List, click Prohibited Country Watchlist. The Country Watchlist Screen displays.
    3. Click Add Add.
    4. Enter values for the following fields in the Add Country Watchlist window
    5. Click Save to save the record.

    When you add a new record, it appears on the Country Watchlist grid.

  2. To add or edit Country Watchlist records in bulk, export the Country Watchlist, add values in the applicable columns, or add a new row and provide values in the applicable columns, and upload the file. You cannot change the structure of the file.
    To add watch list data using the template, follow these steps:
    1. Click Import Importto download the template.
    2. Enter the values in the required columns and save the file.
    3. Click ExportExport. The file is uploaded and the records are displayed on the Country Watchlist grid.

    Follow the same steps to edit watch list data using the template.

    Table 1-4 Search fields for Country Watchlist

    Record Name Description
    Country Name Enter the name of ‘Prohibited country’ (e.g.: Afghanistan)
    ISO Country Code Enter the ISO Country Code (e.g.: AF)
    ISO3 Country Code Enter the ISO3 Country Code (e.g.: AFG)
    Country Synonyms Enter the country synonyms or alternate names (e.g.: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan)
    Data Source Enter the data source from which prohibited country is identified
    Risk Score Enter the risk score associated with prohibited country
    Citizenship Country 1 Code Enter the citizenship country 1 code
    Citizenship Country 2 Code Enter the citizenship country 2 code
    Residential Country Code Enter the residential country code
    Country of Birth Enter the country of birth