4.2.3 Prerequisites

The following are the prerequisites for populating the Dimension Tables:

  • The Hierarchy Flattening Transformation should have been executed successfully.
  • The SCD executable should be present under <installation home>ficdb/bin. The file name is scd and the user executing the SCD component must have execute rights on this file.
  • The setup tables accessed by the SCD component (SETUP_MASTER, SYS_TBL_MASTER and SYS_STG_JOIN_MASTER) should have the required entries. The SETUP_MASTER table does not come seeded with the installation; the required entries must be added manually. The required columns are mentioned in the Tables Used by the SCD Component. The tables SYS_TBL_MASTER and SYS_STG_JOIN_MASTER are seeded for the Org unit, GL Account, Product, Common COA (Chart of Accounts) dimensions along with application installation and you must only add entries in these tables if you add new dimensions.
  • Database Views with name DIM_<Dimension Name>_V come seeded, for the seeded dimensions which come as part of the installation. These views source data from the Profitability dimension tables as well as the flattened hierarchy data. DIM_PRODUCT_V is the view available for the product dimension. New views will have to be added for any new dimension, added in addition to the seeded dimensions.