4.3 Executing the SCD Component

You can execute the SCD component from the Operations module of OFSAAI.

The SCD component for OFS EFPA has been seeded with the process PR_EFPA_DF, which can be executed from the Batch Execution section of OFSAAI.

You can also define a new Batch and an underlying Task definition from the Batch Maintenance window of OFSAAI. For more information on defining a new Batch, see the Define a Batch section.

To define a new task for a Batch definition, do the following:

  1. Select the check box adjacent to the newly created Batch Name in the Batch Maintenance window.
  2. Click the Add icon (+) from the Task Details grid.

    The Task Definition window is displayed.

  3. Enter the Task ID and Description.
  4. Select Run Executable component from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the following from the Dynamic Parameters list:
    • Datastore Type: Select the appropriate datastore type from the list.
    • Datastore Name: Select the appropriate datastore name from the list.
    • Executable: Enter scd,<map ref num>

      For example, scd,2

    • Wait: Click Yes if you want to wait till the execution is complete or click No to proceed with the next task.

      Select Yes if you want the ICC component to wait for the process to complete the execution and update the status as either Success or Failure. If you select No, the component will trigger the processes and update the status as Success.

    • Batch Parameter: Click Yes in Batch Parameter field if you want to pass the batch parameters to the executable and click No otherwise. Always select Yes in Batch Parameter.
  6. Click Save.

    The Task definition is saved for the selected Batch.

  7. Click Parameters. Select the following from the Dynamic Parameters List and then click Save:
    The map ref number values available for the Executable parameter are:
    • -1, if you want to process all the dimensions. The Executable parameter mentioned earlier is: scd,-1.
    • If you want to process for a single dimension, query the database table SYS_TBL_MASTER and give the number in the MAP_REF_NUM column for the dimension you want to process. These are the ones that come seeded with the install. If you want to process for the Product dimension, the Executable parameter mentioned earlier is: scd,6.

      Table 4-9 Dynamic Parameters

      126 DIM_ORG_UNIT
      127 DIM_GL_ACCOUNT
      128 DIM_PRODUCT
      129 DIM_COMMON_COA

You can execute a Batch definition from the Batch Execution section of the OFSAAI Operations module.