8 Fact Ledger Population

Fact Ledger population involves populating the FCT_LEDGER_STAT table from the FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER table. The FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER table is optimized for processing purposes but is not a convenient structure for reporting purposes. In generating FACT_LEDGER_STAT, time from LEDGER_STAT is transformed into an explicit dimension in FACT_LEDGER_STAT.

Fact Ledger Population transformation is used to populate the FCT_LEDGER_STAT table from the Profitability FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER table. The horizontally structured MONTH and YTD columns in the Management Ledger table are transposed to a vertical structure. The twelve Month Columns in FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER are replaced by a single N_AS_OF_DATE_SKEY column in FCT_LEDGER_STAT with each month value stored in N_VALUE column.

Similarly, the YTD column value is stored in N_VALUE_YTD. This is done to make reporting easier, considering Time is a dimension in most of the reports.

The database components, used by the Fact Ledger Population transformations are:

  • Database function FSI_LEDGER_STAT_TRM
  • Database function LEDGER_STAT_TRM which is called by the function FSI_LEDGER_STAT_TRM as mentioned earlier.