6.1.1 Financial Reporting (FR)

Reporting Line is based on the General Ledger dimension. Therefore, all the GL codes for this subject area should functionally relate to Income Statement line items. The idea of this report is to show the un-allocated data coming in from the source system. The Income Statement General Ledger accounts in the source system need to be understood and be categorized as either income or expense GLs. The tag of income/expense can be achieved by putting in the appropriate Financial Element Code (FE) (for example, 420 for Interest, 455 for Non-Interest Income, and 457 for Non-Interest Expense). Each leaf level GL will be categorized as either Income or Expense with the appropriate FE mapping. Financial Reporting Income Statement hierarchy can then be constructed by using the leaf level GLs and rolling them up to higher-level nodes. Assign the rollup signage (+/-) to each leaf/node while constructing the hierarchy. Data is expected to be present only for the leaf level GL codes. Once the FR Income Statement hierarchy (can also be called as Income Statement from source ledger data) is constructed same can be made visible in Financial Reporting Dashboard by running the hierarchy transformation and SCD of GL dimension.