B How to Define a Measure

As a prerequisite, the fact table needs to have the column that holds values for the new measure.

To create a business measure, follow these steps:

  1. From the Unified Metadata Manager, select Business Metadata Management, then select Business Measures.

    Figure B-1 Business Measure Details Page

    This illustration displays the various fileds and the descritions in the Add Business Measures screen. The values you enter or select in the screen are the prerequisites for the fact table to have the columns that hold the values for the new measure.

  2. Click the Add icon to create a Business measure definition. In the Business Measure Definition (Add mode) window, select the Aggregation Function. The Aggregation Function can be:
    • SUM: for summing up the values in the column of the fact table.
    • COUNT: for determining the number of records in the fact table.
    • MAXIMUM: for identifying the maximum value of a column in the fact table.
    • MINIMUM: for identifying the minimum value of a column in the fact table.
    • COUNT DISTINCT: for determining the distinct count of records in the fact table.
  3. Specify if this measure needs to be rolled up against hierarchies.
  4. Select the fact table as part of the Entity.
  5. Select the column of the fact table as part of the Attribute. This column will hold the value of the measure.
  6. Specify Business Exclusions and Filters, if required.
  7. Save the measure.