6.3.2 Map Balance Sheet Leaf Nodes to General Ledger

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Balance Sheet reporting lines are seeded in OFS EFPA application. The mapping of BS reporting lines is based on General Ledger codes, as they are available to OFS EFPA from Profitability Management. The data considered for BS hierarchy is un-allocated, that is the data available in the OFS PFT in an un-allocated form (for all those IDENTITY_CODE where SOURCE_TYPE is '0' in the FSI_DATA_IDENTITY table). However, default mapping cannot be provided as the general ledger codes can differ at the customer site. The mapping of BS reporting lines and general ledger codes are done from the Map Maintenance section of OFSAAI. Map definition has been seeded in the OFS EFPA application for users to create the mapping of reporting lines (leaf nodes) of the Reporting Line hierarchy with the general ledger hierarchy (leaf nodes). The general ledger hierarchy is evolved from the DIM_GL_ACCOUNT table through HEPMGLBS. In the SETUP_MASTER table configuration (key-value pair) has been seeded to allow the mapping.

Table 6-2 SETUP_MASTER Table

A new map definition can be created from the in Map Maintenance section of OFSAAI and the new table name against the key provided (REP_LINE_GL_MAPPER) in the SETUP_MASTER table can be used.

Figure 6-1 Reporting Line to GL Mapping

This illustration explains the Reporting to GL mapping.

  • Mapping of more than one general ledger leaf node can be done to a single reporting line.
  • V_COMPONENT_VALUE is the column that should be changed in case a new mapper is created on the OFSAAI platform.

You can map the Balance Sheet leaf-level GLs to leaf-level Balance sheet Reporting Lines from the Map Maintenance screen of OFSAAI. However, this mapping can also be done directly in the database table that stores the mapping. Use the following table details to map leaf-level codes in the map table:

  • Table Name: REP_LINE_GL_MAP
  • GL ID Column: V_MEMBER_1 Leaf level General Ledger ID that needs to be mapped to the leaf level Node of seeded Balance Sheet Reporting Line.
  • Balance Sheet Reporting Line Code: V_MEMBER_2

    Leaf level Balance Sheet Reporting Line Code. The Balance Sheet Reporting line hierarchy is seeded in the application and it starts with node 107003.

  • Map ID: V_Map_ID

    1359092032500 (It is the seeded ID of the mapper that is present after installation).

  • User Group Name: V_Member_3
  • User Group: It is the user group to which the logged-in user belongs. You can run the following query to find it (in config schema).
    SELECT * FROM cssms_usr_group_map where v_usr_id = <>


    Values ('1359092032500', null, null, '12345700000149', '50100', 'TESTGRP', null, null, null, null, null, null)

    12345700000149: n_gl_account_id in DIM_GL_ACCOUNT table of dev env.

    50100: Leaf level node from Balance Sheet hierarchy (Refer to the attached excel).

    TESTGRP: test user group.

    The Financial Elements (FE) supported for the MR- Balance Sheet are 100 and 140. Therefore, the GL IDs for which FE is either 100 or 140 will be picked up to populate the Balance Sheet reporting line ID in the FCT_MGMT_REPORTING table.


    The Identity Codes available in the FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER table, having source_type as 0 are considered for populating Balance Sheet reporting lines in the FCT_MGMT_REPORTING table. Select identity_code from FSI_DATA_IDENTITY where source_type = 0;