7 Customer Segment

Endpoint (HTTP Link): http://<hostname>:<port>/rest-v1/customerSegment/

Service Type: POST

Request Prameters:

  • portfolio_code


    Refers to the Code for the Portfolio: Portfolio being that of Retail or Institutional.

  • segment_type_code


    Refers to the Code for Segment Type : Segment Type being Demographic/Risk Based/Profitability/Behavioral, and so on.

  • product_code


    Refers to the Code assigned to a Product.

  • customerAttributes
    • attributeName


      Name of the Attribute corresponding to the Column.

    • attributeValue


      Value of the Attribute corresponding to the Column.

    • attributeType


      Data Type of the Attribute corresponding to the Column for validation.

    • attributeFormat


      Value format of the Attribute corresponding to the Column.

Request JSON Sample:
{"portfolio_code": "string","segment_type_code": "string","product_code": "string","customerAttributes": [{"attributeName": "string","attributeValue": "string","attributeType": "string","attributeFormat": "string"}]}

Response Parameters:

  • portfolio_code

    Refers to the Code for the portfolio: Portfolio being that of Retail or Institutional.

  • segment_type_code

    Refers to the Code for Segment Type : Segment Type being Demographic/Risk Based/Profitability/Behavioral, and so on.

  • product_code

    Refers to the Code assigned to a Product.

  • segment_code

    Refers to the Code for Segment within a particular Segment Type.

  • segment_name

    Refers to the Name for Segment within a particular Segment Type.

Response JSON Sample:
"items": [
"portfolio_code": "string",
"segment_type_code": "string",
"product_code": "string",
"segment_code": "string",
"segment_name": "string"