2.1 ORDS APIs for PA and PCD Applications

The ORDS API for Price Creation and Discovery, Customer Information applications does the following:

  • Segment Types (All): This REST API is used to fetch all the Segment Types.
    • Method: GET
    • Path: /rest-v1/segmentTypes/
  • Segement Averages: This REST API is used to fetch the Segment Averages.
    • Method: GET
    • Path: /rest-v1/segmentAverages/
  • Segment Averages (Specific): This REST API is used to fetch the Segment Averages.
    • Method: POST
    • Path: /rest-v1/segmentAverages/
  • Customer Segment: This REST API is used to fetch the Segment Averages.
    • Method: POST
    • Path: /rest-v1/customerSegment/
  • Segment Metrics: This REST API is used to fetch the Segment Averages.
    • Method: POST
    • Path: /rest-v1/segmentMetrics/