2.6 BI Data Model

The BI Data Model is a Star Schema for the fact table FCT_<APPLICATION>_ACCOUNT_SUMMARY.

Following are the subject areas in the Erwin Data Model:

Figure 2-3 Fact Account Feature Map

This illustration depicts the Fact Account Feature map.

Figure 2-4 Fact Account Manager Relationship

This illustration depicts the Fact Account Manager Relationship.

Figure 2-5 Fact Account Profitability

This illustration depicts the Fact Account Profitability.

Figure 2-6 Fact Account Segment MOB Summary

Thie illustration depicts the Fact Account Segment MOB Summary.

Figure 2-7 Fact Account Segment Score

This illustration depicts the Fact Account Segment Score.

Figure 2-8 Fact Applications Summary

This illustration depicts the Fact Applications Summary.

Figure 2-9 Fact Common Account Summary

This illustration depicts the Fact Common Account Summary.

Figure 2-10 Fact Common Customer Summary

This illustration depicts the Fact Common Customer Summary.

Figure 2-11 Fact CRM Account Summary

This illustration depicts the Fact CRM Account Summary.

Figure 2-12 Fact Opportunity

This illustration depicts the Fact Opportunity.

Figure 2-13 Fact Opportunity Activity

This illustration depicts the Fact Opportunity Activity.

Figure 2-14 Fact Regulatory Capital Account Summary

This illustration depitcs the Fact Regulatory Capital Account Summary.

Figure 2-15 Fact Transaction Summary

This illustration depicts the Fact Transaction Summary.