3.3 Dimension Data Flow

Dimension Data in the OFS RPA application is loaded from staging master tables using the Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) process. Data from source systems can be loaded into staging through flat file or source system interfaces. SCD process tracks the changes in the dimensional attributes and loads data into dimension tables. Examples of dimension tables that follow the SCD process are Product, Customer Type, Customer, Campaign, and so on.

Some dimensions are static or maintained internally within the application and are not expected as a download from the source system (for example, Reporting Line). These dimensions are maintained through the AMHM (Attribute Member Hierarchy Maintenance) component of OFSAAI or other framework components like DEFI.

Following is the list of dimensions used in OFSRPA.

Table 3-1 OFS RPA Dimensions

Dimension Entity Name Staging Entity Name (or Names) Loading or Maintenance method
Account Status Dimension Stage Account Status Master SCD
Application Reject Reasons Dimension Stage Application Reject Reason Master SCD
Application Status Dimension Stage Application Status Master SCD
Application Type Dimension Stage Application Type Master SCD
Attrition Dimension Stage Attrition Reason Master SCD
Authorization Decision Reasons Dimension Stage Auth Decision Reason Master SCD
Balance Category Dimension Stage Credit Card Balance Category Master SCD
Card Type Dimension Stage Card Type Master SCD
Channel Transaction Dimension Stage Transaction Channel Type Master SCD
Country Dimension Stage Country Master SCD
Credit Center Dimension Stage Credit Center Master SCD
Credit Officer Dimension Stage Credit Officer Master SCD
Customer Dimension Stage Customer Master SCD
Customer Type Dimension Stage Customer Type Master SCD
Decision Status Dimension Stage Decision Status Master SCD
Deviation Reasons Dimension Stage Deviation Reason Master SCD
Education Dimension Stage Customer Education Master SCD
Geography Dimension Stage Geography Master SCD
Home Ownership Dimension Stage Home Ownership Master SCD
Household Dimension Stage Household Master SCD
Industry Dimension Stage Industry Master SCD
LoB Dimension Stage LOB Master SCD
Management Dimension Stage Account Mgmt Master SCD
Merchant Dimension Stage Merchant Master SCD
Merchant Category Dimension Stage Merchant Category Master SCD
Migration Reasons Dimension Stage Migration Reason Master SCD
Offer Dimension Stage Offer Master SCD
Reason Dimension Stage Opportunity Win Loss Reason Master SCD
Organization Structure Dimension Stage Organization Structure Dimension SCD
Partner Dimension Stage Partner Master SCD
Pool Identification Dimension Stage Pool Identification Master SCD
Prepayment Reason Dimension Stage Prepayment Reason Master SCD
Product Dimension Stage Product Master SCD
Loan Product Category Dimension Stage Product Category Master SCD
Product Feature Dimension Stage Product Feature Master SCD
Product Type Dimension Stage Product Type Master SCD
Prospect Dimension Stage Prospect Master SCD
Retention Offer Type Dimension Stage Retention Offer Master SCD
Sales Representative Dimension Stage Sales Rep Master SCD
Sales Stage Dimension Stage Sales Stage Master SCD
Terminal Dimension Stage Terminal Master SCD
Terminal Type Dimension Stage Terminal Type Master SCD
Transaction Dimension Stage Transaction Master SCD
Transaction Channel Dimension Stage TXN Channel Master SCD
Txn Failure Reason Dimension Stage Transactions Failure Reason Master SCD
Transaction Status Dimension Stage Transactions Status Master SCD
Vendor Dimension Stage Vendor Master SCD
Vintage Dimension Stage Vintage Master SCD
Reporting Line Dimension Reporting Line Dimension Members, Reporting Line Member Translation, Reporting Line Member Attributes, Reporting Line Hierarchies AMHM/DT
Band Dimension Band Dimension Members, Band Member Translation, Band Member Attributes AMHM/SCD
Account Dimension Stage LC Contracts SCD
Account Dimension Stage Commitment Contracts SCD
Party Dimension Stage Party SCD
Account Dimension Stage OD Accounts SCD
Stage TD Contracts SCD
Stage Trusts SCD
Stage Loan Contracts SCD
Stage Mutual Funds SCD
Stage Bills Contracts SCD
Stage CASA Accounts SCD
Stage Guarantees SCD
Stage Leases Contracts SCD
Stage MM Contract SCD
Stage Annuity Contracts SCD
Stage Borrowings SCD
Stage Card Account SCD
Stage Investments SCD
Region Dimension Direct Load
Acquisition Channel Dimension Direct Load
Instrument Category Dimension Seeded
Currency Dimension Seeded
Gender Dimension Seeded
Marital Status Dimension Seeded
Calendar Dimension DT
Account Dimension

Staging Product Processor

Tables like:

  • Stage Annuity Contracts
  • Stage Bill Contracts
  • Stage Borrowings
  • Stage Cards
  • Stage CASA Accounts
  • Stage Guarantees
  • Stage Investments
  • Stage LC Contracts
  • Stage Leases Contracts
  • Stage Loan Contracts
  • Stage Money Market Contracts
  • Stage Over Draft Accounts
  • Stage Term Deposit Contracts
  • Stage Trusts
  • Stage Swaps Contracts
  • Stage Repo Contracts
  • Stage Option Contracts
  • Stage Mutual Funds
  • Stage Futures And Forwards

Some of the stage data can also come from master data management interfaces. In such cases, data from the interface is loaded into staging interface tables and SCD is run on the interface tables. Mapping of dimensional attributes to staging can be obtained by querying SYS_STG_JOIN_MASTER and SYS_TBL_MASTER tables in the atomic schema.