4.1 Verification of Exchange Rates T2T

You must verify that a join in the T2T FSI EXCHANGE RATES is correct as part of the Installer in a pack-on-pack scenario. If the join is not correct, you must change it.

To change the ANSIJOIN, perform the following steps:
  1. 1. Navigate to Financial Services Performance Analytics, select Data Management Framework, select Data Management Tools, and then select Data Mapping.

    The Data Mappings window is displayed.

  2. Select the row of the T2T definition and then select Edit.

    The Data Mapping window to edit the T2T Definition is displayed.

  3. Select Map to modify the ANSIJOIN parameter.
  4. Enter the following condition in the ANSI Join field of the Join/Filter pane:


  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save.

    The ANSIJOIN is modified.