11.1.2 Data Population as per Visibility Changes

  • FSI_M_USER: This table stores all the users that have access to OBIEE. The User ID in this table must match the user's login ID of OBIEE.
  • FSI_M_USER_MANAER_MAP: This table needs only those users details who need Restricted Access. The V_USERNAME has to be inserted with the login username created in OBIEE. V_MANGER_CODE has to be inserted with the manager code of the corresponding user from DIM_MANAGEMENT table. V_USER_TYPE is updated as ‘R’ which denotes Restricted Access. Fail to update this table may end up with report errors.


Users insertion in FSI_M_USER and FSI_M_USER_MANAGER_MAP has to be done directly into the table. For example, in presence of Single Signon System, these tables need to be loaded with data from Single Signon System directly.