11.2.2 Deploying OFS IPA, RPA, and EFPA RPD Files

To deploy the RPD file, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the RPD file from the following location for the IPA, RPA, and EFPA applications.

    Table 11-1 RPD Files

    Application File Name Location
    EFPA OFS_EFPA_Analytics.rpd




    It is recommended to merge the OFSAA_Analytics.rpd and OFS_EFPA_Analytics.rpd files by creating fresh dummy.rpd files. You can then ignore the merge issues.

    Keep the merged rpd as the base in order to avoid the merge errors.

  2. Paste the copied RPD file in the Windows machine where the OBIEE Windows Administration client or OAS Analytics client is installed and deploy. For more information on deployment, refer to your OBIEE 12c or OAS documentation.
  3. Open the RPD file online with the default password.


    The RPD files are configured with a default password, which you require to open for the first time. See the MOS Doc ID: 2691681.1 for the password.
  4. In the OBIEE Windows Administration client, from the File menu, select Save.
  5. Click Yes in the dialog box, Do you want to check global consistency?
  6. Click OK to acknowledge the message, Consistency check didn't find any errors, warning, or best practices violations.

    You can ignore the warnings on the consistency check.