9.7 Enable Parallel Execution of DML statements

A configuration file, OracleDB.conf is introduced to accommodate any configurable parameter related to operations on the oracle database. If you do not want to set a parameter to a specific value, then the respective parameter entry can be removed/commented off form the OracleDB.conf file that resides in the path $FIC_ DB_HOME/conf.

As of now, the OracleDB.conf file has only one parameter namely CNF_DEGREE_OF_ PARALLELISM. This parameter indicates the degree of parallelism to be used for a DML operation if parallel DML is explicitly enabled in the session with the ENABLE PARALLEL DML clause of the ALTER SESSION statement. The default mode of a session is DISABLE PARALLEL DML. If CNF_DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM is not set, then the default degree, as decided by Oracle will be used.