Mandatory Steps during ORDS Installation

The following are the mandatory steps to follow while installing the ORDS:

Unzip the ORDS distribution as follows:

cd /scratch/<user>/ORDS

unzip ords-

  1. Make a directory to hold the configuration under the ORDS zip kit path.

    mkdir -p /scratch/<user>/ORDS/conf

  2. Edit the following details in the ords/params/ords_params.properties file provided with the ORDS software such as hostname, port, and servicename.

    Figure 5-1 ords_params.properties File

    ords_params.properties File

  3. Use the ords.war file to specify the configuration directory using the following command.

    java -jar ords.war configdir /scratch/<user>/ORDS/conf

  4. Configure ORDS using the following command.

    java -jar ords.war

  5. Database connection and URL mapping ORDS commands.

    Ensure that ofsaa is the database connection name. Run the following command.

    java -jar ords.war setup --database ofsaa

  6. Create a URL mapping to the new database connection by running the following command.

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ords.war map-url --type base-path /ofsaa ofsaa

  7. Copy the Apex images from its Apex installer Kit extract to webapps path(deployment location in server):

    mkdir $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/i/

    cp -R /scratch/<user>/Apex/apex/images/* $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/i/

  8. Deploy ORDS on server like Tomcat or WebLogic.
    • If it is Tomcat configure server.xml with ords context_name.
    • In WebLogic deploy and create the datasource for ords as well.
    For deploying on WebLogic server, follow these steps:
    1. In the setup where apex images are present run below command which will generate i.war.

      jar -cvf i.war -C apex/images

    2. Move the configuration folder of ORDS setup to the WebLogic host location.
    3. Create a folder at the deployed location ords.ear.
    4. Create ords.war folder in the ords.ear folder and place ords.war in it.
    5. Inflate the ords.war file using the command:

      jar -xvf ords.war

    6. Update the web.xml file in ords.war/WEBINF/ to give config.dir path.
    7. Delete the ords.war file in ords.war folder.
    8. Create a folder at the deployed location i.ear.
    9. Create i.war folder in the i.ear folder and place i.war in it.
    10. Inflate the i.war file using command: jar -xvf i.war
    11. Delete the i.war file in the i.war folder.
    12. Navigate to the WebLogic console and then deploy i.war and ords.war.
  9. Check the conf path (/scratch/<user>/ORDS/conf) in the web.xml file of ords if it is correctly configured. This path holds the configurations for ords.



    CORS filter needs to be enabled in ords to avoid CORS-related vulnerabilities.
  10. This filter to be added to the web.xml file at <deployed_path>/ords/WEB-INF/web.xml.
  11. Start the Servers.