8.2.1 Update the Silent.props File

Update the Silent.props file present in the Release pack. . In the installer kit path OFS_PFT_PACK/appsLibConfig/conf/, rename the Silent.template file to Silent.props. Edit the Silent.props file and modify only the following parameters.

Most parameters in the Silent.props file for have default values. Before triggering the installation, ensure that you review them thoroughly and update as required.

  1. Navigate to the OFS_PFT_PACK/appsLibConfig/conf directory.
  2. Open the Silent.props file and edit only the following parameters:

    Table 8-2 Parameters for the Silent.props File

    Property Name Description of Property Permissible Values Comments
    UPLOAD_MODEL Whether you want to perform the Model Upload.

    0: No

    1: Yes

    MODEL_TYPE The released data model or a customized data model.

    0: Released

    1: Customized

    Mandatory only if you want to upload the data model.
    DATAMODEL The path for the customized data model. Not Applicable Mandatory only if you want to upload the customized data model.
    DM_DIRECTORY The file name for the customized data model. Not Applicable Mandatory only if you want to upload the customized data model.


    Do not modify any other parameter in the silent.props file other than those mentioned in the previous table in case of an upgrade.