Import Status

All the Metadata Objects included in archive, under a specific object type are displayed.

To view the import status of the Metadata Objects:
  1. In the Object Details pane, click Details, to view the Import Status of a specific Object Type.
    All the objects included in the archive, under a specific object type are listed.
    • Source Definition Code
    • Source Definition Name
    • Import Status
    • Destination Definition Code
    • Retry
    • Skip
  2. To filter and view the objects based on the Import status, select one of the following Filter options:
    • Not Started
    • Ongoing
    • Completed
    • Failed
    • Skipped
  3. Enable Overwrite object if already Exist, to replace an object with the same Source Definition Name.
  4. You can perform the following tasks:
    • To import all the objects, click Start Import.
    • To restart the import of an object with Failedstatus, click Retry adjacent to that object.
    • To retry the import of all the objects, click Restart all Import.
    • To skip the import of an object with Failedstatus, click Skip adjacent to that object.
    • To skip the import of all the objects, click Skip all Import.