Map Tables

Map tables tab includes the list of existing Instrument Mappings.

Ensure that you have the User Groups assigned to perform On-Premise to SaaS Migration.
To access the Map tables tab from the Configuration window:
  1. Click Map tables.
    All the Instrument Mappings created in that environment are displayed with the following details:
    • Table Type-The table type.
    • Source Table-The table present in the Source/On-Premise setup.
    • Target Table-The Target table mapped to a specific Source Dimension.
    • Mapping Type-Indicates if the selected table is a System or a Custom table.
    • Mapped Columns Count-The number of columns mapped in the selected table and the total number of columns.
    • Action
      • View-View the details of a specific Instrument Mapping.
      • Edit-Modify the Source and Target table. For a System Instrument Mapping, the Source and the Target tables are non-editable.
      • Delete-Delete the selected Instrument Mapping. You cannot delete a Pre-seeded Instrument Mapping
  2. To search for a specific entry, enter a keyword in the Search box.
    Click Search Settings, to filter the search columns. The specified search criteria are displayed in the Search box, based on the set filter.