Creating Attribute Definition

To create a new Attribute for a dimension, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Add in the Attribute Summary Page.
    The Add Attribute Definition Page is displayed.
  2. Enter the following Attribute Details :
    • Dimension - Select the Dimension for which the new Attribute is getting created.
    • Numeric Code - The Numeric Code to be assigned to the new Attribute Definition.

      You can enter any number between 0 and 999,999,999, or click Generate Code, to auto-generate a unique code. If you enter the value manually, the system will verify if the value is unique and assigns it.

    • Name - The unique Attribute Definition Name. You can enter up to 100 characters. All characters are allowed except " & ' and " ' ".
    • Alphanumeric Field Value - The name of physical column name that will be used to store attribute value in the Report Dimension Table. You can enter up to 100 characters. We recommend using only Underscore (“_”) as a special character.
    • Description - A brief description about the Attribute Definition. You can enter up to 100 characters. All characters are allowed except " & ' + @ and ~.
  3. Click Apply, to proceed to the Attribute Properties page.
  4. Enter the following Attribute Properties :
    • Data Type - Set the Data Type as Date, Dimension, Number, or String from the drop-down list.


      If the data type is Number, enter a Scale value >= 0. If it equal to 0, only Integers are enabled. To enable decimal entries, the maximum Scale Value must be > 0 and <= the scale defined for NUMBER in the dimension's underlying attribute table. The maximum value of the NUMBER is set to 22.
    • Dimension - (Enabled only for Dimension data type.) Select the Dimension to be associated with the new Attribute Definition.
    • Default Value - The default value is set based on the selected data type. The Maximum characters allowed in Default Value field for String Data Type is 1000. The default value is mandatory if this attribute is set as a required attribute.

      Table 5-9 Data Type and Default Values

      Data Type Default Value
      Dimension Select the Default Value from the drop-down list of members mapped to the selected Dimension
      Number Enter a Numeric Value based on the define Scale.
      Date Set a valid date.
      String Enter the Alphanumeric Value
    • Required Attribute - Select Yes, if this attribute is mandatory for the associated dimension members. To set it as an optional attribute, select No.
    • Seeded Value - Select Yes, only when the attribute is seeded out of box by the Cloud Service. For a new attribute, select No.
  5. After entering the required information, click Save, to create a new attribute.