Creating Data Filters for New Form Definitions

Filters help to view and export specific set of data from data exporter forms.

Complete the following steps if you want to add filters to the Forms Definition:
  1. Click Filter, to access the Filter Condition pane.
  2. Enter/ select the following details.
    • Column - Select the column from the applying the filter.
    • Condition - Select one of the following filter conditions, to filter the column data.
      • Comparison - '=', '!=', '< >', '>', '<', >=, <=,'IN', 'NOT IN', 'ANY', 'BETWEEN', 'LIKE', 'IS NULL', and 'IS NOT NULL'.
    • Type - Select one of the following filter types.
      • Static - Select Static, to enter a value and execute the filter using only one value. You cannot change the value at a later point.
      • Dynamic - Select Dynamic, to change the filter value when needed.
        After setting the filter type to Dynamic, select the Placeholder and set one of the default seeded values, to process the filter.


        Only values that are already seeded in the Database table, are displayed in the Placeholder drop-down list.
    • Filter Value - Select/enter the filter value.


      For Language Placeholder the default locale language is displayed and cannot be modified.
  3. Click Add to add a new Filter expression. You can add multiple Filter expressions to the same filter.
    The filter is added to the list of filters.
    Mouse-over the place holder filter, to view more details about the filter.
  4. Click Validate to verify the filter condition is valid.
    A confirmation is message is displayed, if the filter is valid.
  5. Click Apply, to add the new filter to the filter condition.
  6. Click Reset, to clear all the filter expressions and create a new expression.
  7. Click Delete to delete an existing filter expression.
  8. Click Edit to modify a filter expression. After editing the expression, click Validate, to verify if the condition is valid.
  9. Click Apply to add the filter expression to the form definition.