3.2 Bugs Fixed in this Release

The following bugs are fixed as part of the OFS Funds Transfer Pricing Application v8. release.

Table 3-1 List of Bugs Fixed for OFS Funds Transfer Pricing Application

Sl. No. Bug ID Bug Description Change Description
1 33491695 FP: ENH 32890290 - LOAD RUN CHANGES FOR T2TS Two Sets of T2Ts are provided, one that supports a Default Load Run ID and the other that supports the Incremental Load Run ID.
2 33451914 FP: BUG 32839182 - FTP PROCESS WITH ADJUSTMENT ONLY GETS ORA-00001 ON FSI_O_PROCESS_CASH_FLOWS The Cash Flow record counter is not incremented for each record and this caused the unique constraint violation issue. Code is changed to increment the counter for all cases.
3 33451802 FP: BUG 32967514 - LEDGER MIGRATION FAILS WITH 'ORA-01476: DIVISOR IS EQUAL TO ZERO' AFTER UPGRADE Since the balance is zero for a few products and sum (balance) is used to divide for the weighted average formula, this issue is occurring. Code is changed to filter the products whose sum (balance) is zero.

The CPP variables used to hold the database columns from rev_tab_columns_v are not same as database, because of this ORA- 24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred is coming.

Code is changed to increase the variable length.

5 33451792 FP: BUG 33182133 - FTP PROCESS WITH CONDITIONAL ASSUMPTIONS RETURNS SAME TRANSFER RATE FOR DIFFERENT DATA FILTERS The Prepayment CA evaluation is modifying the TP Rule CA and it is causing the issue in finding the correct TP Method. Code is changed to not disturb the TP Rule CA and do the evaluation in case of Prepayment properly.
6 33451774 FP: BUG 33140416 - FTP ISSUES WITH BREAKAGE DATA Break Identification Process is not working properly when Data Filter with relation is used. Data Filter is not added in one of the intermediate step and it is updating incorrect records for source table.
7 32985051 FORWARD PORT OF BUG 32654185 - INTERPOLATION FOR HYBRID RATE NOT HAPPENING USING 30.416 DAYS FOR A MONTH While calculating the months to days, the formula is converted to consider 30.416 days instead of 30 days for a month.
8 33496292 FP: BUG 33412650 - UNABLE TO OVERWRITE FTP METHOD USING COPY ACROSS PRODUCT Added the code to support multiple products in Copy Across functionality.