2 OFS Funds Transfer Pricing Pack (OFS FTP Pack) Release v8.

OFS FTP Pack Installation Guide Maintenance Level (ML) release v8. includes all the bug fixes and minor enhancements since the previous Minor release v8.

This ML release of OFS FTP Pack can be installed on a setup with any OFS FTP Pack Release v8.


Ensure that the following prerequisites are installed and available:

  • The minimum patch level installed must be OFS FTP Release


    For details on Java 11, see the Update the OFSAA 8.1.1.x Java 8 Instance to Java 11 section in the OFS Analytical Applications Infrastructure Administration and Configuration Guide available at OHC Documentaion Library.
  • The unlimited cryptographic policy for Java is enabled during the installation of OFS FTP For more information, see the Enabling Unlimited Cryptographic Policy section in the available at OHC Documentaion Library.

Installing this Release

Ensure that you install all the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management application packs on a single infodom.


You must install all the Enterprise Performance Management application packs in a single Infodom.
If you are installing OFS PCD Release 812 on the same Infodom (in an integrated environment) where OFS ALM, OFS FTP, and OFS BSP are installed, then the following order of installation is mandated:

If you have already installed OFS PCD and planning to install the remaining applications, then you must apply the OFS PCD one-off patch 34985659.

To install this release patch, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to My Oracle Support and search for 34837251 under the Patches & Updates tab.
  2. Download the OFS Funds Transfer Pricing ML Release archive file and copy it to your OFSAA server in Binary mode.


    There are different archive files for different operating systems such as Solaris, and RHEL or OEL.
  3. Stop all the OFS AAI services. For more information, see Stop the OFSAA Infrastructure services section in the OFS AAI Installation and Configuration Guide available at OHC Documentaion Library.
  4. Log in to the OFSAA server as a non-root user and navigate to the $FIC_HOME directory.
  5. Assign WRITE permission to the files or directories such as commonscripts, EXEWebService, ficapp, ficweb, and ficdb using the command:

    chmod -R 775 *

  6. If you have the Unzip utility, skip to the next step or download the Unzip utility (OS-specific) and copy it in Binary mode to the directory that is included in your PATH variable, typically $HOME path or directory in which you have copied the ML.
    • Uncompress the unzip installer file using the command:
      uncompress unzip_<os>.Z


      If you notice an error message "uncompress: not found [No such file or directory]" when the package is not installed, contact your UNIX administrator.
    • Assign EXECUTE permission to the utility using the command:

      chmod 751 unzip_<os>

      For example, chmod 751 unzip_linux

  7. Extract the contents of the ML archive file using one of the following commands:

    unzip_<os> -a <name of the file to be unzipped>


    unzip –a <name of the file to be unzipped>


    The -a option is mandatory to extract the archive file. An example for the Linux operating system, unzip_linux -a p34837251_81220_linux.zip
  8. Navigate to the /OFS_FTP_PACK/appsLibConfig/conf directory and configure the parameter UPLOAD_MODEL to 1 in the params.conf file.


    Model Upload Process: Input values required are 0 or 1.
    • 1 indicates Trigger Model Upload.
    • 0 indicates Skip Model upload process.
    If the value is 1, then choose a type of Model Upload from the following:
    • 0 indicates Released Data Model.
    • 1 indicates the Customized Data Model.

    If the value of the Model upload type is 1, then provide the inputs for the Data Model name and the path of the Data Model.

  9. Navigate to the OFS_FTP_PACK directory to assign EXECUTE permission to the ML patch installer script using the command:

    chmod 755 OFSAAIUpdate.sh

  10. Complete the patch upgrade using the command:


  11. Verify if the ML patch is applied successfully by checking the log file generated in the OFS_FTP_PACK/logs and OFS_FTP_PACK/OFS_FTP/logs directory. You can ignore error codes ORA-00001 and ORA-02292 in the log file. For any other errors, contact My Oracle Support.


    For an upgrade on Hive Infodom, you may encounter an exception "PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist". You can ignore this error.
  12. After successful installation of the ML, follow these steps:
    • Run the following command to execute the .profile file:

      . $HOME/.profile

    • Clear the application cache. Navigate to the following path depending on the configured web application server and delete the files.
      • Tomcat:

        <Tomcat installation folder>/work/Catalina/localhost/<Application name>/org/apache/jsp

      • WebLogic:

        <WebLogic installation location>/domains/<Domain name>/servers/<Server name>/tmp/_WL_user/<Application name>

      • WebSphere:

        <WebSphere installation directory>/AppServer/profiles/<Profile name>/temp/<Node name>/server1/<Application name>/<.war file name>

  13. Delete the existing EAR or WAR file available in the $FIC_HOME/ficweb directory.
  14. Generate the application EAR or WAR file and redeploy the application onto your configured web application server. For more information on creating and deploying the EAR or WAR file, see Create and deploy EAR/WAR files section in the OFS AAI Installation and Configuration Guide available at OHC Documentaion Library.
  15. In the Command prompt, navigate to the $FIC_HOME/FTPWebService directory of the WEB tier and type ./ant.sh. This triggers the creation of the EAR (<contextname>.ear) or WAR (<contextname>.war) file.

    The EAR or WAR file is created in the $FIC_HOME/FTPWebService directory of the WEB tier.


    This step is required even if FTPWebService is not used. The .ear/.war file generated is not the same as the one in the $FIC_WEB_HOME directory used for standard OFSAA deployments. After running ant.sh from $FIC_HOME/FTPWebService directory which has updated build.xml, log4j.jar files are removed.
  16. After the EAR or WAR file is created, a confirmation message stating that the build was successful is displayed.
  17. Stop the webserver.
  18. Take a backup of the EAR (<contextname>.ear) or WAR (<contextname>.war) file.
  19. Deploy the EAR (<contextname>.war) WAR (<contextname>.ear) file in the web server.
  20. Clear the webserver cache.
  21. Restart all the OFSAAI services. For more information, see Start the OFSAA Infrastructure services section in the OFS AAI Installation and Configuration Guide available at OHC Documentaion Library.

Verify the Engine Version in the Log File

Transfer Pricing Engine log file will have the Intermediate Release (IR)/Maintenance Level (ML) release version printed for debugging purpose. This will help to verify whether the binaries are deployed as part of the installation.

A sample line from the log file is as follows:

"OFS_FTP Application IR/ML version -"