9.1 Upgrade Scenarios


Always ensure to run the upgrade installer only on the cloned environment.

Table 9-1 Upgrade Scenarios

Scenario Upgrade Instructions

Install a New Application Pack on an Existing OFSAA Instance

You have already installed an application pack from Release and now you want to install another application pack from Release

Example: OFS HM Pack is already installed and now you want to install OFS ALM Pack.
  1. Run the schema creator utility ONLY for the new pack.
  2. Update the OFS_HM_PACK.xml file for the newly licensed pack.
  3. Update the Silent.props file of the newly licensed pack.
  4. Trigger the Release installation.
Upgrade from Release v8.0.x
  1. Upgrade from Release v8.0.x to Release v8.1.1.x
  2. Upgrade from Release v8.1.1x to Release v81200 For more information, refer to the upgrade steps in the Release v8. installation guide.


If you are adding an additional application, you must run the schema creator utility.