Create a Rating Mapping Rule

Perform the following steps to create a Rating Mapping Rule:

  1. On the Rating Mapping Rule Summary page, click the Add icon to open the Rating Mapping Rule Window.
    The Rating Mapping Rule Form

    The Rating Mapping Rule Form Continued

  2. Populate the Rating Mapping Ruleform as tabulated:
  3. In the Rating Mapping Rule table, click the Rating Mapping Rule icon in the Status column to open the Mapping Table window. In this window, in the Standardized Rating column, click the drop-down arrow and select a standardised rating from the drop-down list. When a Standardized Rating is selected, the Rating Rank column is automatically populated with a rating rank. Click Apply. Intially, the status will be Undefined. Once the Mapping Table is updated, then the status changes to Defined.
  4. In this Mapping Table, map the Source Rating to the Standardized Rating. Click the drop-down to select and map the required Standardized Rating to a Source Rating.
  5. To delete an entry from the Rating Mapping Rule table, click the Delete icon that is adjacent to the Rating Attribute.
  6. Click Apply. The status is updated to Defined.
  7. Click Save.
The new Rating Mapping Rule definition appears in the list of Rating Mapping Rules on the Rating Mapping Rule Summary Page.