Common Features

Each project contains multiple tabs also known as Canvas. These are located in the bottom left corner of the page that provide the visualizations and the details associated with each canvas or tab. In all projects, a canvas or tab corresponds to a particular dimension. The following dimensions and canvas tabs are common across all projects:

We have taken the Stage Overview Project as an example.
  • Legal Entity
  • Organization Unit
  • Customer Type
  • Product
  • Industry
In the following screenshot, the Stage Overview Project displays the following tabs that are common across all other projects, hence supporting the reporting analyzer or BI user:
  • Legal Entity tab (this tab is displayed by default)
  • Organization Unit tab
  • Customer Type tab
  • Product tab
  • Industry tab
Common Visualizations – corresponding to each tab are as follows:
  • Pre-Stage Reassignment by:
    • Legal Entity
    • Organization Unit
    • Customer Type
    • Product
    • Industry
  • Post-Stage Reassignment by:
    • Legal Entity
    • Organization Unit
    • Customer Type
    • Product
    • Industry
  • Stage Reassignment Movement by Legal Entity

Common Filters

The following are the common filters across the projects apply to all the canvas:
  • As Of Date
  • Modelling Set Name
  • Legal Entity Hierarchy Name
  • Legal Entity Leaf Name
  • Organization Unit Hierarchy Name
  • Org Unit Leaf Name
Filters Applicable to Specific Canvas in a Project
  • Customer Type - Customer Type Canvas
  • Product Hierarchy Name – Product Canvas
  • Product Leaf Name – Product Canvas
  • Industry Hierarchy Name – Industry Canvas
  • Industry Leaf Name – Industry Canvas
Solo and Consolidated Reports: All reports support the Solo and Consolidated feature. The Solo and Consolidated feature is applicable only for the Legal entity dimension. In consolidated reports, Inter-Company Accounts are eliminated, i.e. Accounts that belong to the Legal Entity that are a part of the Legal Entity hierarchy chain. This feature is achieved with the Consolidate Flag filter.
  • Solo: Select the Legal Entity Leaf Node value as per their need and keep the ConsolidateFlagasAll.
  • Consolidated: Select ConsolidateFlag as Y and keep the Legal Entity Leaf Node as All. Users need to traverse through the hierarchy to get the child node consolidated values.