Global Filters

Global filters are common for all canvasses. The below set of global filters is pinned to all canvases related to Stage Overview Reports, Stage Comparison Reports, and Account Classification Overview Reports:
  • As of Date: As of Date is the key filter based on which reports get populated.
  • Modelling Set: The modelling set is the basic building block. All executions happen at the Modelling set level. It is ideal to choose a single modelling set.
  • Consolidate Flag: Solo and consolidated features are driven by this flag. If a Solo report is required, then keep the ConsolidateFlagasAlland select the required Legal Entity leaf. If a consolidated report is required, then keep the ConsolidateFlagasYand keep the LegalEntity leaf as All.
  • Legal Entity Hierarchy: If multiple legal entity hierarchies are present then it is ideal to select a single legal entity hierarchy before generating the reports.
  • Legal Entity Leaf: The user can select the legal entity leaf based on the selection of the legal entity hierarchy. Users can select multiple leaves based on requirements.
  • Organization Unit Hierarchy: If multiple organization unit hierarchies are present then it is ideal to select a single organization unit hierarchy before generating the reports.
  • Organization Unit Leaf: The user can select the Organization Unit leaf based on the selection of the organization unit hierarchy. Users can select multiple leaves based on requirements.
Additionally, the below set of global filters is pinned to all canvases related to Amortization Reports:
  • Reporting Currency: The user can select a single reporting currency based on requirements.
  • Amortization Method: The user can select amortization methods from the dropdown.
  • Account Type: The user can select Assets or Liabilities from the dropdown.
  • IFRS 9 Stage/ POCI: Select either IFRS 9 Stage or POCI from the dropdown.