Calling the API to Generate PAR URL for File Download Using File ID

To call the API, follow these steps:
  1. Open a relevant tool, such as via cURL command.
  2. Prepare a cURL command with the authentication token and other details. For more information, refer to the following code.


    curl -k --location --request GET ' 'https://<hostname>/<TENANT-ID> /utils-service/v1/file/downloadfile/<file id>' \
    --header 'ofs_remote_user: <userid>' \
    --header 'locale: en-US' \
    --header 'ofs_tenant_id: < TENANT-ID> ' \
    --header 'ofs_workspace_id: WS001' \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"
    curl -k --location --request GET 'https://<hostname>/<TENANT-ID>/utils-service/v1/file/downloadfile/9916' \
    --header 'ofs_remote_user: cneadmin' \
    --header 'locale: en-US' \
    --header 'ofs_tenant_id: aaitestdev1001-prd' \
    --header 'ofs_workspace_id: WS001' \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"