Step 4: Scan the file to ensure Upload was Successful

Scan the file that was uploaded to the Object Store of your Profitability and Balance Sheet Management Cloud Service by:

  1. Submitting a RESTful API Put Request to your Profitability and Balance Sheet Management Cloud Service as defined by the code snippet below:

File Scanning Code Snippet – using File ID from Step 2 – Generate PAR URL

if [ $last_error -eq 0 ]; then
		echo -e "\n *****Scanning the File *****"
		curl -k --location --request PUT "$SCANURL/$FINALFILEID" --header 'ofs_tenant_id: $TENANT' --header 'ofs_service_id: OFS_FTP' --header 'ofs_workspace_id: WS001' --header "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"
		if [ $last_error -eq 0 ]; then
			echo -e "\n ***File Upload is Successful please check File Upload / Download UI***"
			echo "Scan failed"
			exit -2;
		echo "Upload failed"
		exit -3;