
The Authentication Process involves the use of cURL Commands in a CLI Tool to generate the access token and invoke REST APIs. The Authentication Token is generated through the OAuth Client ID and Secret Credentials created in IAM/IDCS during Provisioning. The Authentication Token does not require that you log in to the AFCS Application to invoke the REST APIs from external applications.

Ensure that you have the appropriate log-in credentials to access the Profitability and Balance Sheet Management Cloud Service and the appropriate roles to perform specific operations using the API Resources. The following is the list of steps for Authentication and further subsections provide the details: check and change

  1. Download the Application Certificate
  2. Get the OAuth Client ID and Client Secret
  3. Generate the Access Token
  4. Invoke the API using the Access Token
  5. unresolvable-reference.html#GUID-A8D2A139-7A74-40DC-8AB2-70566810F9D8