Creating New Forms in Form Designer

Form creation involves selecting entities, displaying columns with attributes on the form, and if required, selecting authorization of data. Security settings provide for the creation of specific-user access for the forms and authorization.

To add a form :
  1. In the DMI Summary page, click Add, to access the Create Forms Definition page.
  2. Enter/select the following details.
    • Type - Select one of the following Definition Types:
      • Data Exporter – creates form based on an entity table.
      • Excel Upload – creates form based on uploaded excel sheet.
      • View – creates form based on Database views.
      • Designer – creates the form based on the entities, attributes and rulesets provided by the user.
    • Code - The unique Form code. This value is auto-generated.
    • Name - The Form Name. You can enter between 3 to 100 characters. Only alphabets, numbers, spaces, and underscores are allowed.
    • Description - The Form Definition description. You can enter between 3 to 100 characters. Only alphabets, numbers, spaces, and underscores are allowed
    • Created By - The Username of the logged in User who created the form.
  3. Click Apply to create a new Form definition or Close to cancel the Form creation process.

    The New Form Configuration page is displayed based on the selected input type.