Known Issues or Limitations

The following are the Limitations in Release

  • IFRS17 Reinsurance Transition Method (MRA for GMM and PAA) is not supported.
  • Exporting Subledger Accounting Rules in View Mode is not supported.
  • Macros are not supported when Onerous Classification Code is given as OTH (Others) or MSG (Missing) in the Stage Group Dimension Map table.
  • Two DQ Rules, DQINSCONTRACT683 and DQINSCONTRACT663 are failing for the positive scenario in the stg_health_ins_contracts table.
  • All the macros are available while configuring the templates irrespective of the template type selected (DI or RI). However, the application will not be calculating the values for the macros which are template specific. For example, if a direct macro is used while configuring reinsurance template, the template will get saved, however the application will not be calculating any value for this macro, and the liability calculation execution will fail. This issue is being tracked with the Bug 36575034