4.2 KPI Board Canvas

The KPI Board canvas contains reports snap shots of key performance indicators (KPI) for Business; The KPIs in this dashboard is a combination of flash boxes RAG Indicators and trends reports. Each of the KPI report can be rendered and generated by selecting the Canvas Level filters and their combinations.

Figure 4-8 KPI Board Canvas Reports

KPI Board Canvas Reports

The KPI Board Canvas Contains following reports.

Key Performance Indicators Flash

This report shows snap shots of key performance indicators represented through flash boxes for the period selected. These are heat map/RAG indicators where the color of the boxes show current period status in comparison with previous period.

Figure 4-9 KPI Flash boxes

KPI Flash boxes

Changes Related to Current Service

This report provides a trend analysis of changes or movements in insurance liabilities, during the coverage period of contracts under different methods/approaches. This report can be further analyzed by selecting canvas level drop down filter conditions.

Figure 4-10 Changes Related to Current Service

Changes Related to Current Service

Changes Related to Future Service

This report provides a trend analysis of changes or movements in insurance liabilities, during the coverage period of contracts under different methods/approaches. This report can be further analyzed by selecting canvas level drop down filter conditions.

Figure 4-11 Changes Related to Future Service

Changes Related to Future Service

Insurance Acquisition Cashflow Amortization

This report provides a trend analysis of changes or movements in acquisition cashflow amortization, during the coverage period of contracts under different methods/approaches. This report can be further analyzed by selecting canvas level drop down filter conditions.

Figure 4-12 Insurance Acquisition Cashflow Amortization

Insurance Acquisition Cashflow Amortization

Investment Income

This report provides a trend analysis of changes or movements in Investment Income, during the coverage period of contracts under different methods/approaches. This report can be further analyzed by selecting canvas level drop down filter conditions.

Figure 4-13 Investment Income

Investment Income

Reinsurance Premium Paid vs Recoveries

This Report shows comparative charts between reinsurance premium paid vis-à-vis reinsurance recoveries. This report can be further analyzed by selecting canvas level drop down filter conditions.

Figure 4-14 Reinsurance Premium Paid vs Recoveries

Reinsurance Premium Paid vs Recoveries

Net Income (Expense) from Reinsurance Contract

This Report shows net income or expenses from reinsurance contracts. This report can be further analyzed by selecting canvas level drop down filter conditions.

Figure 4-15 Net Income (Expense) from Reinsurance Contract

Net Income (Expense) from Reinsurance Contract