5.3.6 Producer Tab

The Producer Performance tab focuses on the results of the Producing Agents and Producing Agencies. The filters for this tab allow the report results to be focused on selected combinations for comparison or more targeted analysis.

The filters include:

  • Time
  • Company
  • Geography
  • Lines of Business
  • Product
  • Producer

The various reports available for this tab are discussed in the following sections.

New Business

This is a tabular report where the status of a new business can be monitored through a new business in comparison with the business for the previous period for each region. This report can be viewed by policy count and written premium.

Figure 5-168 New Business

New Business

Producer Distribution

This is a tabular report where the count of producers can be monitored in comparison with the number of producers for the previous period for each region.

Figure 5-169 Producer Distribution

Producer Distribution

Top Ten Producers

This is a tabular report where the top-performing producers are ranked through business measures generated by each of them in comparison with the previous period business measures and previous rank. This report also records the upward and downward movement of the producer's rank compared between current and previous ranking. This ranking can be viewed by the following business measures and each of these options can be selected from report level drop-down filters.

  • Written Premium
  • Bind Ratio
  • Policy Count
  • Attrition Ratio
  • Claim Count
  • Loss Ratio
  • Loss Payments

Figure 5-170 Top Ten Producers

Top Ten Producers

Bottom Ten Producers

This is a tabular report where the least performing producers are ranked through business measures generated by each of them in comparison with the previous period business measures and previous rank. This report also records the upward and downward movement of the producer's rank compared between current and previous ranking. This ranking can be viewed by the following business measures and each of these options can be selected from report level drop-down filters.

  • Written Premium
  • Bind Ratio
  • Policy Count
  • Attrition Ratio
  • Claim Count
  • Loss Ratio
  • Loss Payments

Figure 5-171 Bottom Ten Producers

Bottom Ten Producers

Active Producer Appointments

This tabular report records and shows the region-wise count for all producers, the number of producers with active appointments, the active percentage in comparison with previous counts, and previous period active appointments for each region.

Figure 5-172 Active Producer Appointments

Active Producer Appointments

Producer Performance Analysis

This tabular report shows the producers' performance through the following performance measures.

  • Average New Business Policy Count
  • Average Renewal Policy Count
  • Average Attrition Ratio
  • Percentage Above Average Attrition Ratio
  • Percentage Below Average Attrition Ratio
  • Average Loss Ratio
  • Percentage Above Average Loss Ratio
  • Percentage Below Average Loss Ratio
Each of the performance measures numbered from 4..8 can be further analyzed individually where a comparison is done between the current performance measure and previous business measure selected for further analysis.

Figure 5-173 Producer Performance Analysis

Producer Performance Analysis

Inactive Producer Summary

This line graph report illustrates the inactivity period in terms of days ranging from 30-90 days for agents and agencies.

Figure 5-174 Inactive Producer Summary

Inactive Producer Summary

Premium and Claim

This report shows the business through premium revenue with regards to claims payments for the business over a time series. This report illustrates and shows the periodic analysis for written premium and earned premium revenue with claim payments made for the periods.

Figure 5-175 Premium and Claim

Premium and Claim

New Business

This is a map report where New Business volume is measured across regions. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, geography, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

The report can be further analyzed by Lines of business or Product-wise by clicking the Click for Graphical View button and the areas of the map.

Figure 5-176 New Business

New Business

Producer Distribution

This is a map report where Producer Distribution is measured across regions. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, geography, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

The report can be further analyzed by Lines of business or Product-wise by clicking the Click for Graphical View Mode button and the areas of the map.

Figure 5-177 Producer Distribution

Producer Distribution

Active Producer Appointments

This is a map report where the active producer availability by appointment status (Active Status) is measured across regions. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, geography, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

The report can be further analyzed by Lines of business or Product-wise by clicking the Click for Tabular View button and the areas of the map.

Figure 5-178 Active Producer Appointments

Active Producer Appointments